Our host, Anjie Vichayanonda, started this podcast because when she decided to go to law school, she had a hard time understanding how to get started in the legal profession. She is a first-generation Asian-American lawyer and she had no lawyers in her family or close connections who were lawyers when she first considered law school. After pouring hours into internet research, she found many resources about how to apply to law school and what law school was like, but there was very little information about how people actually get started in the legal industry.
To discover if law school was right for her, Anjie cold-called over 50 lawyers to learn about their career paths. Out of the 50 she called, only 3 were willing to share their time with her. One out of the 3 lawyers who spoke with her took her under his wing and became her mentor. He taught her how to connect with lawyers, build professional relationships, and what it was like to practice law. He helped her connect with dozens of lawyers. That helped her clarify her own career goals and feel confident in her decision to apply to law school. So, she started this podcast to help others gain access to the stories of real lawyers and help them develop skills to connect with lawyers.
If you’re interested in being featured on our podcast as a guest host, or you’re a lawyer who would like to share your story on our show, email us at info@leguplegal.com so that we can set up your episode!
If you're a prospective law student or current law student looking to connect with lawyers one-on-one, come check out our mentoring program at www.leguplegal.com.
If you're a prelaw advisor or university career advisor and you would like to receive more information about how Leg Up Legal can provide a virtual mentoring program for your students, please visit: https://www.leguplegal.com/university_partnerships.
If you're a lawyer and your employer or bar association is interested in creating a prelaw pipeline mentoring program, please visit: https://www.leguplegal.com/legal-employers.
Please also check out our other free resources for prospective and current law students:
1) Resources for pre-law students about law school admissions during Covid-19: https://www.leguplegal.com/covid-19-resources
2) Join our free weekly Zoom meetups for prospective and current law students every Tuesday and Thursday at noon central and you can sign-up to receive the emails about them here: https://www.leguplegal.com/free-zoom-meetups
3) Or if you can't attend live, we post recordings of our meetups on our YouTube channel: https://YouTube.com/leguplegal
4) We also host a bi-weekly Virtual Happy Hour for ALL prelaw students, current law students, and lawyers to help create new networking opportunities. Register here for our next happy hour: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvfuGqqzIjHtCxGlcOJGzD3iZeid2kRaJ-
5) Join the Leg Up Legal Virtual Coffee Club to connect with prospective law students, current law students, and attorneys: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13862345. If you join the group, you can set up one-on-one virtual coffee chats with attorneys and law students.
6)Follow our LinkedIn Post Series, #RealLawyersLinkedIn, which showcases lawyers I know so you can follow the hashtag to discover new lawyers every week that you may want to connect and network with! Our LinkedIn Showcase page has all of our past features: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/reallawyersoflinkedin